By Donna Motley, Vice President of Claims
It is that time of year again! Spring! Even though it is dark and raining outside as I write this, the calendar indicates the first day of Spring was on March 20th this year. While the weather may not seem like Spring has arrived, the school year is coming to an end.
Senior graduation, prom and graduation parties. At this time of year, students eligible to work between the ages of 14 and 17, legally known as a “minor”, may start looking for employment. This can be a win-win situation for both the minor and the prospective employer.
The minor may only be seeking “part-time” work and the employer may only need “part-time” help. Employers in the tooling industry are looking for ways to interest young people to learn manufacturing and maybe a skilled trade. It is not uncommon for minors to work within the fast food or retail industries, however, those positions can involve evenings and weekends. Clerical positions are generally 8 to 5:00. Whatever the position available for a minor, there are certain parameters that must be followed.