Audit Reviews
Large audit additional premium due – scary words. Each workers’ compensation policy is written with estimated payrolls for the upcoming year. When the policy expires, an audit is completed to get actual payroll. We then calculate the actual premium from the audit payroll, and subtract member payments during the year. The end result is that we have an audit additional due from our member or premium refund due back to our member. More than 97% of the time, this system works out well. The estimated payroll is close to actual and we end up with a small additional premium that is no burden to our member, or we end up with a small return where MTMIC sends a check back to our member. This high success rate does not mean that the other 3% goes easy. The large additional audit dollars affects the budget and causes stress to our member. It also causes discomfort at MTMIC. We do not like to do things that aggravate our members. Remember, most of our members have been with us for years, and that personal relationship and trust is greatly valued by our member and by the MTMIC staff.