Just recently, MTMIC achieved a couple of milestones. For the first time in our nearly 40 year history, we broke through the 800 member mark. Second, MTMIC’s asset value passed the $50 million mark. Both of these results are based on our member’s loyalty and dedicated staff. Building member loyalty comes from two sources. The first source is that we have a dedicated Board of Directors. These board members represent the owners/member’s interests every day and their skillsets built over the years, demonstrates that they know how to create member value by giving staff the freedom and support to improve member services.
The second source that builds member loyalty is the MTMIC staff, which is filled by unusually tenured veterans. One of the most frequent contacts is with Glenda Moyle, the MTMIC Premium Account Manager who handles billing and underwriting service questions. What you may not know, is that Glenda has been with MTMIC (and our previous Trust Fund) for nearly 35 years. She knows most of our members, some of their family, and lots of policy details for most accounts. The next frequent contact is Donna Motley, our Vice President of Claims. With her number two, Cindy Boyce, they both have more than 20 years with MTMIC. Other frequent contacts are with our loss control staff, with Chris Doebler, our CFO, and of course our Marketing Vice President, Megan Brown and Marketing Assistant, Patty Allen. A common thread with all the MTMIC staff, is member commitment and tenure. I have had the privilege of leading this team since August 1, 2013. Our employee turnover rate in 2013 was 0%, 12014 0% and 2015 0%. Yes, I am the newest employee.

The board and staff’s focus has been simple. Make sure that all accounts are funded properly to ensure claim payments and secondly, when there are profits above this funding requirement, those profits are OWNED by our members. In March, $2.5 million was returned to our members. At the October Annual Member’s meeting, we will have the first discussion about the dividend for March of 2016. The Annual Member’s meeting is Thursday, October 15th at 11:30 and will be held at the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth. I am pleased to pass on these two significant achievements and hope you can attend the Annual Meeting to hear the first words about the 2016 member dividend.