Mark your calendars now so you do not miss our 2019 Annual Meeting! Join us October 17, 2019 at the Inn at St. Johns in Plymouth, Michigan.
Mark your calendars now so you do not miss our 2019 Annual Meeting! Join us October 17, 2019 at the Inn at St. Johns in Plymouth, Michigan.
If so, you should sign up for AutoPay! We divide your annual premium into twelve monthly payments and automatically pull the money from your checking account on the due date, saving you time, postage, and fear of your payment being late. If you are interested you can contact Chris Doebler at or Glenda Moyle at Already into your policy year? We can take the rest of your scheduled payments via AutoPay at your request!Another option is to pay the year in full up front. Not only will you receive a 3% discount on your annual premium but you don’t have to worry about making any monthly payments. You can make your payment by check or via AutoPay.
This time of year with so many renewals in January, one of the top three questions is “I don’t understand my experience modification.” It is a topic I have covered once or twice in the past, but a refresher course might be helpful. First, the Michigan Workers’ Compensation experience mod is an individual experience modification that is based on each company’s loss experience. Six months after every policy expires, Michigan Workers’ Compensation insurance carriers are required to submit payroll by class code and loss details for every policy that they write. This information is analyzed at a rating bureau, the Compensation Advisory Organization of Michigan (CAOM), and a single experience modification is published for every employer. A handful of exceptions exist such as large self-insured employers. But the vast number of employers have a standard Workers’ Compensation experience modification that is used by all carriers.
(more…)We are excited to announce that we have enhanced our customer portal so that you will now have the ability to upload medical documents as a means to get them to the claims adjuster that is handling your claim. This can be done by following these simple steps:
As soon as the documents are uploaded, the claims adjuster assigned to the claim will receive an alert that there is medical documentation waiting for them. You will be able to view the documentation after it is uploaded. Please contact Patty at (248) 715-0013 or with questions.
On Thursday, October 18th, MTM held its annual membership meeting. (Pictures are included in the newsletter.) At each MTM annual member’s meeting we try to spend most of the time relaying helpful information to our members. This year, that topic was active shooter and crisis management (Crisis Recovery after Active Shooter and Traumatic Events). Given all the things we’ve read and heard in the last couple of years on this topic, it seemed wise to have a professional in this field present toMTM members. The speaker was Dr. Ken Wolf who consults on workplace violence, active shooter survival, crisis management strategies and downsizing reductions in force. His resume is quite impressive and details his work in many crisis situations. Dr. Wolf assisted the US Army on-site at Ground Zero after the terrorist attacks, assisted following the mass shootings at the United States Post Office in Royal Oak (1991) and Dearborn (1993). He also responded to the Northwest Air disasters #255 (1987), #299 and #1482 (1990). Dr. Wolf assisted Ryder System and the UAW – GM after the Oklahoma City Terrorist bombing. He has been a news analyst for the Detroit affiliates of ABC, NBC and CBS. In the reviews of his presentation, the common topic critique included: learned lots, time well spent, can we have him back for more? His presentation was educational, interesting and at times scary. The topic and presentation captivated your attention.
Dr. Ken Wolf
While most of the meeting was spent on the above topic, I did give a quick nine month financial/dividend view of 2018. The year is not over and good/bad things can still happen, with nine months we are starting to get a pretty good picture of how the year’s finances/losses are doing. Overall, the results are not on pace for the record year of 2017, but 2018’s results still look good. And only two months to go before we close the year.
The loss year does look different than 2017. While the accident frequency in 2018 is nearly the same as recent prior years, we are seeing an increase in accident severity. Just in the last couple of weeks, we had an electrocution, an employee on his first day with an amputation, and third, a second amputation in the same week which required an air lifting to a trauma center. In the third case, we found in the accident investigation the employee had developed a creative way to bypass the tag out switch. So, my request to you as owners and managers of all our shops, please focus on guarding, looking for creative tag out measures, and training of new employees. Your goal, like ours is to always send the employee home in the same condition as they arrived. Be safe, John
The 2018 Annual Meeting was a great success. Here are a few snapshots from the event:
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We are excited to announce that we have enhanced our customer portal so that you will now have the ability to upload medical documents as a means to get them to the claims adjuster that is handling your claim. This can be done by following these simple steps:
Often I have stated that the strengths of MTM are based on three pillars:
Last month I profiled one of our MTM members, Avalon & Tahoe Mfg. Inc. This month I have the honor of introducing two new MTM Board committee members.
Brady Schlesener – Director of Sales and Marketing, Gemini Group, Inc.
Brady is a graduate of Cedarville University with a BA. He then went
on to receive his MBA from Michigan State University. For the last 12 years, he has been an executive at Gemini Group, Inc.
Brady is a team player with great functional experiences – perfect fit for our MTM Board Marketing & Underwriting Committee.
Our second new Board committee member is Barry Kavanagh FCCA, CMA, VP of Finance at Avalon & Tahoe MFG, Inc.
Barry received his BA from Waterford Institute of Technology in his native Ireland. He is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), the main accountancy body in the UK, Europe and Asia, and holds the Certified Management Accountant certification from the U.S. Institute of Management Accountants.
For five years, Barry has been the VP of Finance at Avalon & Tahoe MFG. Inc. Prior to that Barry was the Controller at another MTM member for over eleven years. With Barry’s financial skills and his 12
year history working with MTM, he is also a perfect fit for the MTM Board Finance committee.
Thanks to these new Board committee members, I am anxious to see how they contribute to the committee’s and MTM’s success. Brady will be working with Chairman Brad Lawton, Star Cutter Company. The Board Finance Committee is chaired by Teena Kowalski.
As we visit your shops, we are finding nearly every shop has a hiring sign in the window. This year we are seeing more accidents from low experienced individuals who may have gotten less training than desired. Our members focus on keeping employees safe. It is that important third leg of the MTM success stool. As always, we will keep our Loss Control Representatives busy visiting your shops, giving advice and doing anything that will help improve the safety of our member’s employees.
Until next time, be safe.
It is almost time for the MTMIC Annual Member Meeting and there is still time to RSVP if you haven’t already done so. Contact Patty Allen at patricia.allen@mtmic. com by October 10th so that you don’t miss out on our Crisis Recovery after Active Shooter and Traumatic Events presentation provided by Kenneth Wolf, PhD.
Payroll renewal forms have been sent out to all insureds that have an effective date in January 2019. We are asking for your estimated annual payroll for 2019 which assists in reducing the chance for additional audit money due at the end of your policy. Please complete
the form and return it to Glenda Moyle or an additional copy can be requested at
By Glenda Moyle, Premium Accounting Manager
Each year we evaluate officer coverage and rating rules. Currently, officers are included in your Workers’ Compensation calculation with a minimum payroll amount of $20,800 and a maximum of $45,000 each.
Effective 1/1/19 or later the minimum payroll amount for an officer is $26,000 and the maximum included will be $50,000.
These new amounts will automatically be applied to renewals effective 1/1/19 and after. If you have any questions, please contact me at
I have mentioned in previous newsletters that the best part of my job is delivering member dividend checks in March. I have also said the second-best part of my job is going to and touring MTM member’s facilities. One MTMIC member that makes a particularly interesting product is Avalon & Tahoe.
You probably have heard the name before, but if not, they build pontoon boats. Before my tour, my image of a pontoon boat was anything but sleek, plush, and cool. My tour was arranged by Avalon & Tahoe’s CFO, Barry Kavanagh. Mr. Kavanagh handed me over to their plant Operations Manager, JJ Dudick. This tour changed my vision completely. Before getting to that, let me tell you what their brochure says, and now with the tour knowledge in hand I can say these statements are very accurate.
At a recent MTM Board meeting, I was asked for a “wrap up” report from the spring dividend. It was the normal report with management members, but one set of numbers is worth sharing with our members. The question was how does the MTM dividend compare with similar and competing mutual insurance companies with special focus on mutual companies. Here was what was reported to the Board:
MTM returned 83.4% of its 2017 profit as member dividends. We reviewed 3 well-known companies to provide the following comparison. Company A, a nonmutual returned 7.6% of its profit as member dividends. Mutual competitor number one returned 18.9% while mutual company number two returned 5.3%. The MTM member owner dividend is in a completely different ballpark compared to commercial carriers, and even other mutual companies. These numbers prompted a whole different conversation of why MTM is so different.
We are proud to announce a new Association member program effective August 1, 2018. This partnership, MFG Works Partners, is a collaboration between the Michigan Manufacturers Association (MMA) and MTMIC will offer our policyholders who are members of MMA an additional 3% discount on your workers’ compensation insurance premium. This discount will be automatically applied at your next policy renewal.
For 115 years, the MMA has been serving Michigan manufacturers and related industries by providing effective representation at Michigan’s Capitol, timely educational seminars; quality and competitive-rate insurance programs, informational e-newsletters and a monthly magazine. Visit for more information on the benefits of joining the MMA or contact Brett Gerrish, at 800-253-9039 ext. 533 or 517-487-8533.
Both MMA and MTMIC are excited about this new partnership and its potential for keeping your business competitive. Watch for more information on the MFG Works Partners program in our monthly newsletters and additional publications. For more information on the MFG Works Partners program contact Megan Brown: or (248) 715-0012.
We are pleased to announce that this year’s annual meeting speakers are Dr. Kenneth L. Wolf, Ph. D & Marilyn Knight, M.S.W. Our speakers are experts in their field and will be speaking on the topic of “Crisis Recovery After Active Shooter and Traumatic Events”.
Last year I wrote you about the best part of my job – “delivering member dividend checks”. I can report that the ranking has not changed. From the pictures in this newsletter and last month, you can see the fun I (and staff) have with this MTM “job”. What I rarely talk about is the second best part of my job. So here it is – touring your shops. While you live in your shop and it’s old hat to you, our members design, build, melt stuff, mold, inject, stamp, drill, weld, print, bind, deliver,…. amazing products. Sometimes the product is a simple part of a big part and sometimes it is an intricate part that makes this accounting, actuarial type guy wonder – how do they do that? I was at one shop that was making overpass steel beams. The beam in process was just over 100 feet in length. I asked the plant manager what the tolerance was?
For the poor handy skills I have – the answer would be if I could get anything 100 feet long within 3 inches, I would go out for a celebration dinner. The answer in our members’ world was .005. Our members are amazing.
Also in each of my plant tours I asked if I could operate some of our member’s equipment. Can I do that? I think I can weld, drill, stamp. Can I try that? Our members clearly sensed my lack of skills and the answer – NO. I am 0 for at least 200. Not one of you has let me turn a dial, control a robot, use a forklift, tool, print press or other fun looking machines. This could be an underground conspiracy. I have checked my safety glasses and hard hat. Thought they might have something printed on them such as “extremely clumsy” or warning “NO eye/hand co-ordination”. I have found no such warnings. Ah, maybe I should check the back of my MTM jacket. Lack of success or skills does not sway my determination – I will keep you informed of my challenge.
Till next time, spring looks to be finally here. Let’s enjoy it.
We will be meeting at the same location, The Inn at St. John’s and providing lunch along with a brief meeting and exciting speakers.
Please mark your calendars and be on the lookout for more details to follow.
As President of MTM, my principle duties are to work with members, help MTM staff and work with the MTM Board of Directors and its Committees. However, there are some other duties that I must budget time for. One of those duties is to monitor insurance regulations and legislative matters. To accomplish this, I spend one or two days a month in Lansing meeting with the insurance association, insurance department and legislators. While nearly all of this designated legislative time deals with workers’ compensation issues, a recent item surfaced that departed from my normal focus. As a Board member and member of the regulatory oversight committee of the Insurance Institute of Michigan, I was made aware of nearly 20 bills that had been submitted for consideration dealing with the Larry Nassar case. As I listened to some of the testimony, I and everyone in the hearing were disgusted with this physician’s actions and the systems that should have caught his criminal activities over many years they occurred.
Most of these bills deal specifically with Larry Nassar and the systems surrounding him, however some bills are not so restricted and will bring other groups/1employers into the mix. Some of the bills being considered dramatically increase the reporting period for sexual misconduct incidents from two or three years to 30 years. Some of the bills change the burden of proof so that a mere allegation can be sufficient to warrant legal action, defense, and ultimately settlements. As defense attorneys look at how they would manage these cases, trying to pull witnesses together and accuracy of testimony (which could be many years or decades old) is daunting.
While MTM usually does not get involved in non-workers’ compensation issues, this case and the possible impact on our over 900 shop owners and managers warranted some involvement. Most recently, more moderate amendments have been considered that open up slightly the reporting period, except for alleged victims under 16. These bills seem to be progressing through the legislative process.
While it is too early yet to tell what exactly will come out of the legislature process, there is no doubt that changes to the existing law will happen.
While our focus continues to be on workers’ compensation and how to maintain and improve cost-effective coverage for our MTM members, occasionally we have to lend our weight to other issues. Protection of our members justifies it. As we learn more, I will bring you up to date on this topic. In the meantime, the MTM staff will continue to focus on providing our members with the most cost-effective and focused services for their workers’ compensation exposure.