john-karlenWhile I normally provide our newsletter with current issues in Michigan Workers’ Compensation, this month is different. I am asked regularly about MTMIC ownership and governance. These are great questions for a small, specialty driven workers’ compensation carrier like MTMIC. For our first 30 years of operation, we operated as a Self-Insured Fund. Since January 1, 2007, we have been licensed as a member owned mutual insurance company. Everything we do is based on what is in the best interest for our member owners and we have no outside investors that direct our pricing decisions or we pay fees to. I report to the 10 member Board of Directors, many of them have a long history with the company. The ten Board members include:

6 – Business Owners
2 – Chief Financial Officers
1 – Human Resource Vice President
1 – Retired Business Owner

Their firms cover the range of 10 to 400 employees. Some have business in other states and a couple have business in other countries. Needless to say, my “bosses” have a wide and vast range of skills and experiences. My focus and the company course is set by the Board. In the next few newsletters you will see profiles of these important people as they are an integral part of the MTMIC success story.

celendarIn fact this is a time to give you an early invitation of the Members’ Annual Meeting which is Thursday, October 16th. This year the meeting is at The Inn at St. Johns in Plymouth and lunch begins at 11:30. MTM Board members and the entire staff attend the meeting. Feedback from members who have attended previous meetings is that it was time well spent. In the next couple months, I will have more meeting details.