By Chris Demeter, Senior Loss Control Consultant
MIOSHA requires companies to train on any hazards their workers may encounter. Knowing, understanding, and interpreting MIOSHA rules and regulations can sometimes be confusing. This is why our Loss Control team is here to assist you through the process. Help is only a phone call or an email away and will be answered by one of our Loss Control Consultants. This support is an integral part of MTMIC’s service because we know that safety and health questions are inevitable.
f you are not the person that handles the safety walkthroughs with your Loss Control Consultant, let me introduce you to our Loss Control Team.

Ruth Kiefer began at MTMIC in 2006 as a Loss Control Consultant and obtained her Master’s degree in Industrial Hygiene from Wayne State University in December of 2006. With this background, Ruth assists the Loss Control Department with industrial hygiene as well as ergonomic studies and noise surveys. In order to further develop her insurance knowledge and offer other value-added services for MTMIC and its policyholders, Ruth also obtained an Associate in Risk Management from the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters in 2008. She is currently working on her Charter Property Causalty Underwriter (CPCU) designation. Ruth obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida. Ruth has been the Vice President of Loss Control for the last 9 years.

Chris Demeter is currently a Senior Loss Control Consultant servicing MTMIC policyholders in southern and southwest Michigan. He has been with MTMIC since 2003 and in that time became a Certified OSHA Outreach Trainer and attained his MIOSHA Level 1 & 2 accreditation in Safety and Health Management Systems. Before joining MTMIC, Chris obtained over 25 years of experience in the private sector of manufacturing. He previously worked for a large prototype stamping company in southeastern Michigan where he was a Journeymen Model Maker for 14 years and was later promoted to Human Resources Manager and Safety Director. With Chris’ safety and manufacturing background, he is committed to providing MTMIC policyholders with the tools and assistance necessary to reduce losses and achieve a safe workplace environment. Chris and his wife have four children, six grandchildren, and two cats.

Travis Halsted is currently a Loss Control Consultant servicing MTMIC policyholders in central, southern, and west Michigan. Travis also visits our policyholders in the Upper Peninsula and four other states. He joined the MTMIC team in 2013 after 3 years as a Health and Safety Coordinator at a precision machinery company in south-central Michigan where he also worked as part of the Vertical Machining Center set-up team. Before joining MTMIC, Travis obtained certifications in firefighting I and II, as a Medical First Responder (MFR), and had extensive training in accident investigations and general industry health and safety. Since joining MTMIC, Travis has obtained his Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation, the Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS) designation, and his Master’s Degree in Safety, Security, and Emergency Management with a focus on occupational health and safety. If asked about what he loves most about his position, he would simply say, “working with the people at each policyholder”. When he isn’t visiting our MTM customers, Travis enjoys spending time with his amazing wife and three wonderful daughters.
Our team is dedicated to helping you create a safe and healthy work environment for your employees and maintain compliance with industry standards. If you need assistance with safety programs, accident analysis, ergonomic surveys, training, or injury trending, please contact your loss control consultant.
If you have not signed up yet, I would also like to remind you of our MTMIC Client Portal, which gives you access to safety program templates and various other safety-related training materials. It can be accessed through our website Please contact our sales department at 248.488.1172 Ext. 1010 to set up access to this online tool.
I hope everyone has a safe and healthy rest of the summer! Remember, stay hydrated at work and home. If you have any questions, please contact your Loss Control consultant.