By Ruth Kiefer, MSc, ARM
As the pandemic created a bit of a challenge for us during the past two years, it also created a fiscal challenge for MIOSHA compliance. In review, pre-pandemic era of 2019, MIOSHA issued 543 safety related violations and collected $1.38 million in fines. In 2020, they issued 352 and collected $1.07 million in fines. I have yet to find the 2021 data, so we have a gap year of 2021. With this said, you can see that they were still out conducting some visits in the 2020 year but have a lot to make up. I would like to take this opportunity to contrast the two years to show you that some of these safety violations remain a top priority in MIOSHA’s enforcement efforts and should be a top priority to address in your facilities prior to a compliance visit.
As a reminder, this is only a partial list of possible things they can look at, the above is just some of their top SERIOUS violations. These were the most common violations between the two years and with the most for you to lose in penalties. As enforcement is increasing their efforts to address their fiscal short fall, I would highly recommend that you contact your Loss Control Representative and invite them in. We can take a proactive approach to address some of the safety items that may have creeped back into your facilities over the last two years. The pandemic shifted the way we did business and ran our facilities, as we migrate back to normal, so must we all in complying with the MIOSHA standards of safety. We’d love to help you!