MTM Office and COVID
The MTM Board and Management position has been simple: If member companies are open, MTM needs to be open supporting member activities. Claims still happen, Loss Control services are needed, policy and billing changes occur. Because we never wanted our claims representative to be talking with a member company or injured worker in open space, every MTM employee has a separate office with a door. With this office layout, we have required spacing working at the office.
Here is a department update:

Claim’s staff is in the office every day and supporting our members when claims arise with little difference from pre-COVID. Claims staff is fully staffed with the same seasoned adjusters that you have known for many years.
Loss Control
Our Loss Control reps are calling on you with little change to pre-COVID days. What has changed is, now they are focused on COVID reviews that our members have asked them to do. Updating our members on COVID, CDC, state, and local requirements. Our representatives are out in the field every day with all the required CDC protocols.
Marketing is also fully staffed and operating every single day. They are available to answer your questions and make field visits when requested.
Accounting/Policy Service
As they have for over 30 years, Glenda Moyle and Chris Doebler are in the office every day and ready to assist you on any questions dealing with payments or policy updates.
Policy Audits
This area has been impacted by COVID, many more audits being completed remotely by phone and email. We can do audits with a member visit, phone or email. We are following our members wishes on this topic.
We are pleased to report that MTM office has been open every business day in 2020. We viewed it as vital to continue our member support for the member-owners that need extra support for the strange world we live in right now.
Please contact us. We are ready every day to help.