Normally in the summer MTM has a slight slowdown from the rest of the year. Here’s the high level annual MTM plan: In January we are wrapping up details/printing documents for our members largest renewal month. February we are working hard to finalize 12/31 numbers and the required actuarial work to present to Board Committees and the full MTM Board. These meetings are where the important member dividends are discussed. Then in March and April we prepare and deliver member checks. In May once again we have Board Marketing/Underwriting Committee, Board Finance Committee and full Board meetings. It’s busy. June we are prepared for another busy member renewal month – July. In July and August staff will take vacation and we get ready for the normal year-end sprint. September is when we plan reinsurance (insurance for possible large MTM member losses) meetings, our annual member meeting in October and send out individually tracked ballots for the annual Board member vote. October is a month when all Board committees meet as well as the full Board and the Annual Members Meeting. Finally in November and December we are preparing all the studies and documents for January renewals. Each renewal push involves Claims staff, Loss Control, Accounting, Underwriting and Marketing staff.

That’s the year in summary. But this summer has been different. Several projects took over July and August. Let me cover them for you.
Beta testing of a new out-of-state coverage option for our members. Beta test #1 in January found several flaws. Much was learned. Beta test #2 went/is going well. We plan a full rollout for January 1, 2020.
Loss Control 3 Day MIOSHA 10+ Hour General Industry class for our members as well as individual Stop the Bleed trainings and kits.
Reinsurance program revamping (seeing if we can save MTM insurance cost – which goes back to our members).
Office buildout going on this summer, moving in September. We got more space and saved money too.
Loss Portfolio marketing and out-of-state option. Still deep in this project, but on target.
When you tell me how busy your shop is, I now have more empathy. It is a busy time for all of us. Hope you are getting some time to enjoy the last of our summer days.