MTM members are well acquainted with their Loss Control representative and the services they provide. MTM Loss Control focus has been the same for 44 years. Last year we conducted in excess of 950 site visits. Given that we have 921 existing members, almost all members see their Loss Control rep in person regularly.

This may be a good time to remind our members of the Loss Control stability that we have enjoyed for many years. Our Loss Control department is headed up by Ruth Kiefer. She has been with MTM for 13 years. Our Senior Loss Control Consultant is Chris Demeter. Chris wins the years of service with 16 years. Our third Loss Control rep is Travis Halsted. Travis has been with MTM over six years. These industry experienced staff members are the most facially recognized people of MTM. Every day they are calling on members to help with not only the regular service of loss control inspections, but they also are the ones when a serious incident happens they conduct the accident investigation. When a member has a MiOSHA concern, who do they call – their MTM Loss Control rep. They help guide our member through that process and also act as an in between with MiOSHA questions.
Over the last several years we have avoided webinars and instead focused our efforts on face to face meetings. We added several safety training videos that were specifically requested by our members. Those 300+ safety videos were used by members 3,530 times in the last year. Yes 3,530 times. Clearly the safety videos are a helpful tool to our MTM members.
An item that has popped up more recently has been joint sessions in coordination with the Michigan Manufacturing Association. We have just finished a training session on “Reasonable Suspicion Drug and Alcohol Training” for supervisors. This was something new for us and we thought we would try it in conjunction with MMA and see what the interest might be. What we discovered shortly after the announcement of the two location programs was that we needed bigger facilities. After adjustments were made for larger facilities, the sessions were held with Livonia having 81 member managers attending and 74 in Lansing. With 155 manufacturing members present, clearly this was successful and a needed item from our member’s viewpoint. We are looking at this further to see how we might be able to develop and make sure that our member’s safety and information needs are being met.
We will keep you informed of those new programs and will ask Loss Control and Marketing to give us updates as necessary. In the meantime, we hope that summer is finally arriving and that you will get to enjoy it.