By Glenda Moyle, Premium Accounting Manager

surveyWell, we have started working on the January 2016 renewals. I have been working on these for over 30 years and it’s hard to believe that another year has sped by.

If you have an effective date in January, you should have already received your payroll renewal form asking for new estimated payrolls for the 2016 policy year. The goal is to accurately estimate payrolls which reduces the chance of a surprise audit of additional premium.

A common question I hear is what do we do if the payroll estimate form is not returned to MTMIC? Well, we use the higher of your 2014 audited payrolls or your current policy (2015 estimated) payrolls for your quote. It is never too late to send the form back to us. We can always revise your payment schedule.

If you need another copy of the payroll form please contact me at