During a regular business week I receive notices from outside vendors, state associations, and government bulletins. Most of the time there is nothing exciting to report from them; but last week I received two that were interesting. The first was a report from the state on the number of time loss injuries for Michigan employees. In 2007, the state recorded 11,262 time loss injuries. Three years later in 2010, time loss injuries had decreased to 9,566. And then in 2013, the number was 7,109. This study goes on to give credit for management’s focus on improved employee risk management, but they also credit changes in the manufacturing process and the reduction of hazardous work. Overall; this data does give us a good story on the improvement in employee safety. I wanted to pass these numbers on to you to give credit for the important role you play.
A second report came across informed me how we could reduce the cost of workplace injuries further. The study was based on all claims for 2010 and 2011. These are good years to review since all costs would have been paid/negotiated by now. The bottom line of the study is that claims reported two weeks after the date of injury cost 51% more than claims reported within 24 hours of the injury. You have seen articles written by the MTMIC Claims VP, Donna Motley and MTMIC Loss Control Manager, Ruth Kiefer encouraging timely loss report. However; we did not have an independent review of the real impact of late reporting. The study goes into significant detail on the whys of the increased expense: unnecessary tests, multiple reviews, emergency room visits all increase the claims cost. Finally timely reporting saves employers’ money through lower claims cost and reducing a company’s experience modification.
So, two tid-bits to be taken this month:
• Time loss injuries are down 37% since 2007. Thank you for your management work to make that possible. Recently when visiting one mid-size manufacturing plant, the safety manager told me his job was to make sure that he returns the employee to his/her family in the same condition as when they arrived at work.
• As much as you will hear it again from our Loss Control Manager and Claims VP, we now have statistical data that proves timely claims reporting will save you money. Do you want to pay 51% more by reporting a claim late?
Until next time, please enjoy the beautiful summer weather we are having.