For the past 5 years, we have been delivering MTM member dividend checks most often in person to our members. This year we began hand delivering dividend checks on Tuesday, March 3rd and all seemed normal through Friday, March 13th. Nearly half of our dividends were delivered in this first 10 days.

Then due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus government orders were given to close all group venues: athletic clubs, theaters, all concerts, sporting events. On Monday, March 16th there were additional orders closing restaurants and banning gatherings where more than 50 people would be in attendance. On Friday, March 13th I had 18 deliveries. I was greeted with all smiles, many pictures, two shop tours, life was close to normal. Over the weekend rumors abounded that government orders would come Monday announcing the closure of restaurants/bars, theaters, athletic events and any event with more than 50 people in attendance. On Monday I had 11 deliveries scheduled. Still greeted by grateful members, but no handshakes, 3 office managers “can you slide the check under the door”. It was a watershed experience. New conditions were affecting everything. As I drove back from the day deliveries, I got with MTM management and office staff. We needed to change directions quickly so that money would be delivered to members as soon as possible.

A revised plan of express mailing to members was developed on Tuesday, March 17th. On Wednesday March 18th, the express envelopes were on their way. Many times, I have written that delivering member dividends is the best part of my job. This year it seems mailing is the correct answer for the present situation. We all have had to make significant adjustments to our work and life activities. This is the time where getting the MTM dividends to members quickly and efficiently is most needed. With that in mind combined with the reduction in social contact, we are mailing your MTM dividend. While most of our shops remain operating, it is more complicated and concerning. A common call we are getting from shop owners and office managers is whether or not COVID -19 is covered by Workers’ Compensation. Included in this newsletter is a very good non-legal worded article about COVID-19 and Workers’ Compensation. Our thanks to the author Chris Boggs for sharing this with our members. Stay healthy and safe. And of course, call me with any questions.