“Members own and direct” is more than an MTM saying. It is something that we live by daily whether it be a member’s dividend program that in large equated to an average 23.4% of each member’s premium, or as I often say, my bosses as President of MTM are my 10 Board of Directors that own and operate shops like yours. All Board members have shop ownership benefits and challenges like our regular MTM members at large.

In 2016, the Board authorized a Board Finance Committee. This Committee was to give management guidance on investments and company budgets as well as membership input and oversight to the professional MTM insurance managers. This year, the Board authorized a Board Marketing/Underwriting Committee. Like the Board Finance Committee, the Board Marketing/Underwriting Committee is to give membership input and oversight to the MTM insurance managers. This new Committee held 1its first meeting June 20th and is chaired by Board member, Brad Lawton of Star Cutter Company. A second Committee member, Jerry Decker, is also an MTM Board member and President of Precision Boring Company. Two committee members at large are Bob Joly, President of Hancock Enterprises, and Mark Mullen, President of Griggs Steel Company. This Committee’s management liaison is Megan Brown, VP of Sales and Marketing. Also attending the meeting were Kurt Heuser, MTM Chairman of the Board, Chris Doebler, MTM CFO and me.

The Board of Directors and Committee members are available to you at any time and appreciate your feedback. Recently the website, www.mtmic.com/blog, has been updated with photos of the Board of Directors and Committee Members with the hopes that you find it beneficial to have a name and a face for these groups. If you have an idea for MTM, never hesitate to contact one of the Board members, Committee members, or any of the staff at MTMIC. MTM exists solely for the benefit of our 883 member owners.

Until the next time, I always appreciate your input and support. Please enjoy the summer.